So now I know...
ChattyCathy wrote:
> ... what y'all are on about.
> I seldom have time to watch TV these days, but I was flipping thought the
> satellite channels available in our neck of the woods last night - and lo
> and behold - I see Food Network is now amongst their offerings....
> Heh. Rachael Ray did not endear herself to me by making cabbage soup
> <blech> on the first of her shows that I watched <lol>. She also struck me
> as somewhat, ahem, chubbier than pictures/videos I've seen of her on the
> 'net.
> Saw several other good shows though - and hoo-boy, Paula *does* have a
> rather strong "southern accent" <g> - so I'm a bit mystified why so many
> r.f.c.-ers seem to find the channel lacking. Maybe you guys are just
> spoiled for choice, unlike some of us ;-)
I found Food Network was fun to watch for about two years (and that's
when they had GOOD programming and good cooks (David Rosengarten and
Sarah Mounton come to mind, plus early Mario Batagli and Emeril Lagasse,
before he got fat and silly.) Then the emphasis changed to well-endowed
women and ethnic cooks and stupid competitions for every faction. Once
they started with ingredients that were impossible to find unless you
live in NY or California, it became dubious entertainment rather than
I still occasionally watch Lidia Bastianich and MaryAnn Esposito and a
few others (often on our PBS stations instead of FN) but cooking shows
no longer hold the charm they used to have for me.
Happy New Year to CC and all my rfc friends.
gloria p