On 12/31/2010 11:39 AM, Janet Wilder wrote:
> On 12/31/2010 10:13 AM, ravenlynne wrote:
>> My neighbors are doing pork in their smoker today and I'm a little
>> jealous! Guess it's time to start looking for a smoker to purchase. I
>> think they have this one: http://tinyurl.com/35fslu9
>> I have had some brisket that they made in it and it was divine. Made my
>> oven roasted brisket pale in comparison.
> I have one like that but it isn't electric. I use lump charcoal. It
> makes wonderful pork butts and briskets.
I've had that exact Brinkman electric smoker for about three years now,
works very well but is a real problem to clean. To clean it I have
learned to pressure wash the housing and lid every six months to get the
creosote off, the water pan and grates get rinsed well and run through
the dishwasher every time I use it.
So far I've done chickens, brisket, pork butt, ham, turkey, and both
spare and baby back ribs. Does a really good job. So good I bought one
for my SIL's birthday this year, He, too, is pleased with it. Plus it is
sold at a reasonable price.