Sqwertz wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Dec 2010 15:46:05 -0500, Janet wrote:
>> If you want a nice chocolate covering for your toffee, cut or deeply score
>> the toffee into pieces after pouring it out onto a silpat. When cooled,
>> separate and dip each piece in melted, tempered chocolate. Whether to
>> sprinkle with toasted chopped nuts is up to you.
Spreading the toffee
>> with chocolate then cutting or breaking it usually results in most of the
>> chocolate falling off.
> Yes. I have to make another batch for a friend who's wife ate it all
> and then told him the mailman never delivered it, so I might spruce up
> this batch by dipping it as you suggest. And then disguise the box as
> something she wouldn't want (any suggestions?).
> -sw
Better send it with a tracking number. Maybe the UPS guys are hungry...