Turkey Stuffing
Becca > wrote:
> > Stuffing is Evil.
> >
> > Don't you people watch Good Eats?
> No.
> Thanks for the recipes everybody!
No, seriously: you run a good risk of poisoning your guests if
you stuff a turkey and then don't get it cooked all the way
through. (And if you *do* get it cooked all the way through,
the turkey will be quite overdone.)
I like stuffing, myself, but I don't stick it in the bird -- I
bake it in a casserole. Just as good, and nobody ends up talking
to Ralph York in Europe on the porcelain telephone!
Mark Shaw anti-spam: change 'bang' to 'not' to email me
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"This time I think the Americans are serious. Bush is not like Clinton.
I think this is the end." - Uday Hussein, April 2003