Creme Brulee -- Is It Supposed to Be Sweet?
Damaeus wrote:
> Funny... the texture of this second batch isn't as smooth as the first
> was. I'm not sure why. I suppose it could be because I used boiling
> water for the water bath instead of just using "hot" water out of the tap.
> I'm not sure if I boiled water the last time or not, but that's the only
> reason I could think of. The texture right next to the glass is kind of
> "curdled" a little, while the center is smooth.
> Next time I'll just use hot tap water for the water bath and see if it's
> smooth again.
> Damaeus
Perhaps using the boiling water started the creame at the edges to
cooking too quickly instead of the entire custard coming up to
temperature at the same time?
Referring to your previous posts-I think you overdid the vanilla if you
used "tablespoons" instead of the one good bean. Mexican vanilla isn't
even real vanilla, IIUC?
Creme brulee is a sophisticated, simple dish. Not sickeningly sweet or
overly fussy. That is one of its charms.