On Sat, 1 Jan 2011 20:44:37 -0800 (PST), "shauny [google]"
> wrote:
> Olive oil isn't a fat, its a lipid.
He was talking about good (unsaturated) fats vs bad (saturated) fats.
Here is a visual for you.
Coconut oil is even worse than butter. Keep your saturated fat grams
to under 20 per day... 14 grams or less is even better, but IMO
impossible unless you're a militant.
We won't win the war against coronary heart disease by switching to
polyunsaturated fats because "substituting polyunsaturated fats for
saturated fats will reduce both total and LDL (bad cholesterol) but do
have the potential to also lower HDL (good cholesterol) levels when
consumed in large amounts".
Never trust a dog to watch your food.