Speaking of BBQ
On Sat, 1 Jan 2011 23:30:50 -0500, "Ed Pawlowski" >
> "sf" > wrote in message
> >> >
> >>
> > <laughing> That was my initial reaction too, but then I realized he
> > was talking about wood. My palate isn't so refined that I can even
> > notice the flavor of a wood smoke. It's all smoke to me.
> >
> I can tell some of them easily, others not so much. mix two and I won't be
> able to tell them. Apple and hickory are very close with maple not far
> behind and I'd probably not be able to tell them apart. Cherry and walnut
> are more distinctive, oak much less so.
Okay then. The only RL experience I've had with wood smoke was maple,
oak and apple... maybe some other fruit tree was thrown in here or
there on occasion but not enough to be able to recognize them. I
don't even know if they were kept separate from the other woods.
> It is very rare that anyone even
> asks about the wood, they just eat and enjoy the smoky flavor.
That's my eating method. If somebody goes to all that time and
trouble, I'm enjoying it - not critiquing it.
Never trust a dog to watch your food.