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Lyndon Watson Lyndon Watson is offline
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Posts: 109
Default I used beef shank

On Jan 3, 6:38*am, Wayne > wrote:
> meat to make a goulash yesterday. *It was very tasty. *The meat needed
> about 3 hours to become tender at a slow simmer. *The meat is a bit
> more pricey than regular stew meat here. *It costs $2.99 per pound,
> but includes bone. *The challenge is to get a piece of shank which has
> a high meat to bone ratio. *I simmered the bone along with the
> goulash. *I didn't use any stock, beef or any other base, or MSG, and
> it turned out to be very flavorful. *I can usually get regular stew
> beef at $2.99, but I think the shank is better. *The liquid was
> water. *Paprika, cayenne, and salt for spices. *I had run out of herbs
> late last year and didn't replenish them. *Lots of onions, garlic, red
> sweet pepper, peeled fresh tomato. *Had I used red wine as a liquid,
> my guests would have stayed until 2012.

If only we could them at that price here! We pay more than twice that
for "shin fillet" which is what we call them here when the bone is
removed, and the same when they have the bone in. I prefer them bone-
in, if only because you get a bit of marrow to make the stew richer.

They are really good material for pressure-cookers as well.