"Mark Shaw" > wrote in message
> Becca > wrote:
> > > Stuffing is Evil.
> > >
> > > Don't you people watch Good Eats?
> > No.
> > Thanks for the recipes everybody!
> No, seriously: you run a good risk of poisoning your guests if
> you stuff a turkey and then don't get it cooked all the way
> through. (And if you *do* get it cooked all the way through,
> the turkey will be quite overdone.)
> I like stuffing, myself, but I don't stick it in the bird -- I
> bake it in a casserole. Just as good, and nobody ends up talking
> to Ralph York in Europe on the porcelain telephone!
> --
> Mark Shaw
Not 100% true or butterball woulf pull the following:
Generations of Americans have been enjoying turkeys -- stuffed and
unstuffed. Whether you choose to stuff your turkey or cook stuffing in a
casserole dish is a matter of personal preference. As with any preparation
involving raw food ingredients, it is important to carefully follow proper
food safety and handling procedures to ensure a safe turkey every time. For
consumers who choose to stuff their turkey, we recommend the following five
Prepare stuffing just before placing in turkey. Use only cooked ingredients
in stuffing -- sauté vegetables, use only cooked meats and seafood
(oysters), and use pasteurized egg products instead of raw eggs.
Place prepared stuffing in turkey just before roasting. Do not stuff the
turkey the night before roasting.
Stuff both neck and body cavities of completely thawed turkey, allowing 1/2
to 3/4 cup of stuffing per pound of turkey. Do not pack stuffing tightly in
Return legs to original tucked position, if untucked for rinsing or
Use a cook method that allows the stuffing to cook along with the turkey. Do
not stuff turkeys when cooking on an outdoor grill or water smoker or when
using fast cook methods where the turkey gets done before the stuffing. If
you do not have a meat thermometer to measure the internal temperature of
the stuffing in the turkey, the stuffing should be cooked seperately from
the turkey.