On 1/6/11 1:05 PM, DaleW wrote:
> With the pasta/ragu, Betsy also made broccoli and a "butter bean bagna
> cauda" salad. I wanted Italian red, and brought up the 1997
> Mastrobernardino Radici Taurasi. Some VA, cherries, a bit pruney. Big,
> still a bit of rough tannin on the backend. Wait, why am I drinking
> this? C+
> Replacement was the 2002 Montevertine. A bit too chilly, I decanted
> and it gradually warmed up. Dried cherry, saddle leather, violets, a
> bit of herb. This seems mature, midbodied, not a great Montevertine
> but excellent for vintage. Probably at its best after couple hours in
> decanter, last glass was falling apart a bit. B+/B
Interesting notes, Dale. How was 2002 in Tuscany? Did they have the
sort of rain problems that plagued Provence? And what was up with the
Taurasi? Was it flawed, or did you just not like it? I would think
that Aglianico would be right up your alley, being the "Nebbiolo of the
South" and all...
Mark Lipton
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