Aussie > wrote in
> Groupons must be a *very* profitable business!!
Just went intop the Groupons webpage and had a look........ it's *exactly
the same as a few that we have over here. We have Zoupons, Jigo City, Jump
On It,,, teamspreets etc, etc.
I've bought a few things off the sites we have over here, mainly hair
treatments/haircuts for the SO.... trips to Day Spas etc.
Next thing I'm buying is a full service for my SUV.... total value is
about $600 but we only pay approx $120.
The latest deal in Seattle with Groupon is (and I only picked Seattle
because I like the place!! You can pick any city in the USA).....
$7 for $15 Worth of Burgers, Shakes, and More at Seattle Burger Company
You Save
Buy it for a friend!
Time Left To Buy
* 2 hours
* 54 minutes
* 0 seconds
2,884 bought
The deal is on!
Tipped at 1:05AM with 50 bought
* Seattle-burger-company
Refer Friends, Get $10:
Email a Friend
The Fine Print
* Expires in 1 year
* Limit 3 per person. Must use in 1 visit, no cash back. Gratuity not
included. Not valid with other offers.
* See the rules that apply to all deals.
* Flame-broiled beef, chicken & veggie burgers
* Hand-dipped shakes & malts
* Fresh, local ingredients
Peter Lucas
First Law of Leftist Debate.......
The more you present a leftist with factual evidence
that is counter to his preconceived world view and the
more difficult it becomes for him to refute it without
losing face the chance of him calling you a racist, bigot,
homophobe approaches infinity.