Who is coming to the World Beer Cup next week?
Slobby Don ) wrote:
: Slobby Don wrote:
: > I plan to go to the Beer cup on Wednesday and will look you up.
: Well I did go briefly Wednesday and missed by minutes the only event I would
: have appreciated--the North San Diego County brewery tour that included
: Stone Brewing Co and an Oggi's. When I went in I saw three pallets of Stone
: Symposium ale, brewed especially for the conference. The only activity I
: saw was vendor setup for the Craft Brewers. I was told it would cost me $85
: just to see their exhibits on Thursday or Friday. I couldn't see paying
: that much just to give people the opportunity to sell me something so I went
: and had lunch at Oggi's instead. They are a chain of local microbreweries
: (mostly San Diego County and they are expanding into Phoenix) that offer
: about ten varieties at a time. They also have Stone Arrogant ******* ale on
: tap.
Tuesday and Wednesday were actually not open to the public. It was a
closed judging session of something like 2000 beers from all over the
world. Best part was that we got a case each of randomized extra bottles
at the end of each day as a reward for volunteering to staff it. So far,
I've been very impressed by the Japanese craft brewers who are taking on
Belgian styles and producing some world class beers -- but there's a lot
to dring in the fridge right now.
I didn't go to the craft brewers conference either.
So -- will I finally catch on to who you are at Hot Java tomorrow -- I
think Kev is headlining.
reply to sirwill1 AT same domain as above