On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 13:52:10 +0200, Michael > wrote:
>st wrote:
>> Anyone know if this is available anywhere else other than Austria, and
>> what costs would be involved in buying a small amount online or
>> whatever and having it shipped to Australia?
>I'm from Austria. I could send you some bottles, but shipping from here
>is really expensive. For nine bottles it'S about 60 Euro from here ti
Its a little expensive. I'm a poor student
>> Amazing beer - discovered it in Innsbruck, but haven't seen it
>> anywhere else other than Vienna and Salzburg.
>Do you really like Wieselburger? I don't like it very much... What kind
>of Wieselburger do you like
I don't remember. It was just on the shelves in supermarkets/available
in bars. A girl recommended it to me. Tried it, fell in love with it.
It had that flip-top thing. Hmm.
>> Ideas?
>Maybe you can ask the brewery (http://www.wieselburger.at/), if they
>export Wieselburger to australia, but i would not bet on it.
I had a look but it wasn't feasible.