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Janet Wilder[_1_] Janet Wilder[_1_] is offline
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Default PC World's "The World's Best Sites"

On 1/17/2011 4:57 PM, Pete C. wrote:
> Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
>> The February, 2011 issue of "PC World" has an article entitled, "The
>> World's Best Sites" and includes a subsection on cooking websites.
>> YMMV, but the only three sites mentioned are,
>> epicurious and FoodPair. I'm unfamiliar with FoodPair and suppose its
>> premise (finding recipes based on what you have on hand) has its fans,
>> but I am *not* a fan of - seems like a food version of
>> wikipedia without even wikipedia's limited oversight. Epicurious is
>> somewhat useful, although the reviews drive me nuts ("I didn't have
>> pecans, so I used soft shelled crab...," etc.), but there are a
>> boatload of cooking websites out there that are way better than either
>> allrecipes or epicurious, IMHO. Even given the limited space allowed,
>> seems to me they could have found a better "headliner" than

> I find Epicurious to be very useful, and I don't recall any recipes I
> got from there that failed. I don't pay a lot of attention to the
> reviews, only the rating in selecting possible recipes, then I look at
> the actual recipe to see if I see anything that needs tweaking. Most
> recipes get used pretty close to original form, on occasion I will
> hybridize several to get what I want.
> Allrecipies is my second line if I didn't find what I wanted on
> Epicurious, and the handful of recipes I've used from Allrecipes have
> been fine as well, but of course I don't blindly use a recipe without
> sanity checking it.

I like Epicurious, too. Allrecipes is okay for ideas, but I rarely
follow the recipes to the letter (unless baking). I went to the
FoodPair site and checked it out and it is about as useful as tits on a
bull, IMNSHO

Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.