In article >,
notbob > wrote:
> On 2011-01-17, Dan Abel > wrote:
> > Just let it be. That's enough detail for most people.
> Apparently not enough detail for the creators of Facebook, who are now
> going to allow apps makers marketing ppl..... even MORE
> access to your privacy, if there is such a thing on Facebook.
> It's Creeping Meatballism all over again. Wait till they reverse it
> so it's up to you to opt out, if you have a "clue", another commodity
> seemingly in short supply on Facebook.
Although I like using FB, I'm not happy with some things. Back when
they got the bright idea of making you only list things on your profile
that they could link to a web page, I just deleted almost everything
that I had there. The only interest I have left is:
I refuse to use any "apps" on FB.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA