In article >,
Ranee at Arabian Knits > wrote:
>In article >,
> sf > wrote:
>> On Thu, 13 Jan 2011 18:20:47 -0800, "Julie Bove"
>> > wrote:
>> > > I have seen, and tried, all versions.... sheep, goat, and cows milk
>> > > haloumi.
>> It's not common over here.
> I'm surprised. It was all over the place where I grew up, and I
>didn't live in as metropolitan an area.
It's in better-than-average cheese selections across the bay, here -
hippie, upscale, or just conscientiously-stocked grocers as well as cheese
specialists. I suspect this is true in SF as well.
I don't remember seeing it in interior Northern California when I grew up,
but then I wasn't looking for it, either. The Italian grocer with a
specialty in gourmet/imported products (Corti Bros) in Sacto probably had
it, and I wouldn't be surprised if the co-op in Davis did as well once we
moved to a normal-grocery-store-sized building. The variety of cheeses
available definitely seems to be on the uptick, which is all for the good

. These days if I were still living out in deepest California suburbia
well beyond the "sophisticated college town" sphere of influence, I could
probably get it at Raley's (=non-fancy, non-crunchy, but
conscientiously-stocked grocer).