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Default Yixing pot, or not?

I have a small, red clay pot which looks like it might be a
Yixing. There is no manufacturer mark on the bottom (or anywhere
else that I recognize), but there are what appear to be Chinese
ideograms scratched into the surface. (I don't read or write
Chinese, so I could be ~very~ wrong about that!)

If one of you Yixing owners out there would be so kind, may I
send you the photo I took of my pot? I am hoping someone can
tell me if what I have is genuine, or a knock-off. (It's still a
nice pot, regardless, but I'd like to know if it is a Yixing.)

I bought it several years ago at a flea market for practically
nothing. The vendor was selling it cheap because it didn't
appear to be finished--no glaze inside or out. I thought then
that it might be one of those special tea pots I had recently
read about, but no one around here knew.

I appreciate your help. If it's a useable pot, I'm going to try
Cameron's baking method mentioned in another post. (I think.)
