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Darryl L. Pierce
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Default Cook's Feelings (Was QUIZNOS Sub sandwich---Ugh! So bad)

j*ni p. wrote:

>> My wife has recently been on a Subway kick, maybe for the last 3 months
>> or so. The first time she bought one for me, it was downright horrible
>> (but, of course, I had to put on the smiling face so as not to hurt her
>> feelings; I didn't want to make her feel bad)

> <snip>
> This brings up something that I'm curious about -- as a cook, do
> your loved ones tell you when you've served something they don't
> like?

Oh, jaysus, yes. More often than not, my wife (who's strangely enough a
picky eater) doesn't share my enthusiasm for the different dishes I come up
with or find. Our oldest son takes after her, but fortunately our youngest
takes after me and samples everything I meake.

> And does this offend you?

Not really. Sometimes it hurts my when I think I've found something that
they'll really like and they end up not liking it even remotely. I've had
some big hits (especially with baking and with indian dishes) but there
have been more miserable failures (bacon and mushroom pasta, chicken
paprikas, goulash).

My most recent success was a 15 bean soup I made. My wife loved it.

> One of our friends is amazed that Hubby will tell me, in front of
> everyone, if he doesn't like something new I've made. It doesn't
> bother me at all, because I know it's just the recipe he doesn't
> care for, not my cooking...

With your husband do you find he enjoys your entrees or your desserts more?
My wife loves my baking but, as I described, is usually less impressed with
my entrees. To think it over, the only thing I've baked that she didn't
like was a lemon cake I made last summer. She's not one to enjoy lemony
tastes, which is too bad 'cause the cake was spot on delicious, including
the lemon icing...

Darryl L. Pierce >
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"What do you care what other people think, Mr. Feynman?"