Cook's Feelings (Was QUIZNOS Sub sandwich---Ugh! So bad)
In article >,
(j*ni p.) wrote:
> This brings up something that I'm curious about -- as a cook, do
> your loved ones tell you when you've served something they don't
> like? And does this offend you?
Rich will tell me if he isn't thrilled with something I make, but he
hasn't so far hated anything I made. He'll still eat it, and especially
now that we have children, will eat it without comment, as we're trying
not to pass on our food prejudices and getting them to try all foods
without commentary. He also likes things that I make that I don't like
that well, so I guess we're well matched.
> One of our friends is amazed that Hubby will tell me, in front of
> everyone, if he doesn't like something new I've made. It doesn't
> bother me at all, because I know it's just the recipe he doesn't
> care for, not my cooking...
I don't think he'd ever say anything in front of other people,
though. That would bother me. At that point, I don't think it would be
about letting me know a preference for future reference, but would only
serve to make the guests uncomfortable and us look nitpicky. OTOH, I
don't often make things that I _know_ he won't like, unless he's going
to be gone.
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