Thread: Fennel
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W. Baker W. Baker is offline
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Default Fennel

Janet > wrote:
: W. Baker wrote:
: > Julie Bove > wrote:
: >> What do you do with it? I had a piece of it a few years back when I
: >> was getting those CSA boxes. There was a recipe for roasting it,
: >> which I did. I remember putting olive oil on it. Maybe salt and
: >> pepper. I was skeptical because I do not like things with a
: >> licorice flavor except for Good N'Plenty and I can only eat a few of
: >> those before they start bugging me.
: >
: >> As it turned out, we all loved it and we were fighting over the few
: >> pieces in the pan. None of it made it to our plates. Heh!
: >
: >> I haven't bought it since though. I guess I just don't know what to
: >> do with it. I have heard that some people don't like it raw. I
: >> have never tried it that way. What do you do with it?

: Slice it into a salad. It is also a great component in Mediterranean-style
: fish soups/stews, such as bouillabaise.

In my Sicilian fish soup(stew) I use fennel seeds.
