On 2011-02-13, zxcvbob > wrote:
> The gumbopages recipe looks pretty good, but it should use small red
> beans instead of KB's, and it needs a little cayenne.
Wiki says either are acceptable. Most recipes indicate KBs, but then
show an almost refried bean texture in pics:
I've never had authentic RB&R in LA, but I love Popeye's version,
which is suposedly award winning, if chain food can actually aspire to
such a thing. Popeye's is almost like refried beans, in texture.
What I see in pics of RB&R are beans that appear to have been boiled
w/o pre-soaking, my preferred bean cooking method. It would be near
impossible to mash or get bean cream from pre-soaked or frozen or
canned beans, as KBs have extremely tough skins. I'm not a KB fan for
that reason alone.
OTOH, I used to feel that way about lima beans, too, till I discovered
boiling dried lima beans w/o pre-soaking caused the skins to turn
almost gossamer/diaphanous in texture. I've not tried it with dried
KBs, but should. It would explain the creamy, almost refried, texture
of KBs in RB&R dish pictures.
I agree about the cayenne. Needs some HOT. I've been using Tabasco
habanero, of late. Not really that hot and has great flavor.