Easy way to clean oven
In article >,
sf > wrote:
> Just set a glass dish of ammonia in a warm oven? I need to try this.
> I wonder if it would help with the crud on the glass door of the self
> cleaning oven?
I followed the earlier thread on cleaning the glass on an oven [1987
Jenn-Air]. I tried the Windex on the opened door and wetted for thirty
minutes. I used the rough side of a Scotch Brite sponge and scrubbed a
bit. Stuff came off. I scrubbed some more and reapplied Windex. About
three applications and a bit of scrubbing and the glass was nearly
clean. Then I self cleaned the oven, and the glass is clean.
There wasn't that much scrubbing or I'd have lost interest. I didn't use
nearly enough pressure to break a sweat. I did it leaning over. I will
only do the bending at the waist bit for a minute or two.
Now that the door glass is clean, I ought to change the oven bulb that
burned out fifteen years ago. Without resurrecting the old thread, I
think I have Sheldon to thank for the method.
It really is no-sweat, a bit of patience and not enough elbow grease to
think about. It's also the first time the glass has been clean in a