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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default What to make for sick friend?

On 18/02/2011 11:47 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
> My neighbor, who is also a friend is not well. She had 3 aneurysms
> repaired and an artery in her leg cleaned out because it had plaque.
> She's off her feet for several weeks. Her husband is helpless in the
> kitchen and I'm afraid they will be living on canned soup and junky
> take-out. They are not healthy eaters to begin with, not out of
> carelessness but because that is their culture.
> I'm planning to spend Sunday making a few meals for them that they can
> freeze and reheat. I thought about a lasagna, but I've been out of the
> casserole business for years and I just know you wonderful folks will
> come up with all kinds of ideas to help me fix some stuff for these nice
> folks.
> How about some suggestions. It is food for two older people who eat
> small portions of "American" food. Nothing exotic or spicy, please.

Given the nature of her medical problems the first priority should be
that the food is heart healthy.Maybe making her something healthy and
tasty will help her down the path to healthier eating. That means nu
butter, low salt, low fat, low sugar. Fruit is good. Bran muffins
could be a good idea, though she should know that commercially made
muffins are not a good choice.