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Portland Portland is offline
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Default What to make for sick friend?

On Feb 18, 11:47*pm, Janet Wilder > wrote:
> My neighbor, who is also a friend is not well. She had 3 aneurysms
> repaired and an artery in her leg cleaned out because it had plaque.
> She's off her feet for several weeks. *Her husband is helpless in the
> kitchen and I'm afraid they will be living on canned soup and *junky
> take-out. They are not healthy eaters to begin with, not out of
> carelessness but because that is their culture.
> I'm planning to spend Sunday making a few meals for them that they can
> freeze and reheat. *I thought about a lasagna, but I've been out of the
> casserole business for years and I just know you wonderful folks will
> come up with all kinds of ideas to help me fix some stuff for these nice
> folks.
> How about some suggestions. *It is food for two older people who eat
> small portions of "American" food. Nothing exotic or spicy, please.
> --
> Janet Wilder
> Way-the-heck-south Texas
> Spelling doesn't count. *Cooking does.

If they have heart problems, they should eat boiled potato, boiled
broccoli, boiled beef shank. It's actually not bad. I never boil
anything though, and really I mean by boiled, I mean simmered. It's
actually a good meal. Not as good as goulash, but it works.