On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 11:21:04 -0800 (PST), merryb >
>On Feb 24, 10:08*am, Boron Elgar > wrote:
>> On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 12:40:24 -0500, Art Todesco >
>> wrote:
>> >Well, maybe *a bit off topic, maybe not. *I have a nice, heavy new 2
>> >quart saucier and have been keeping it bright and shinny, so I
>> >thought. *But, now after a year or so, I've noticed the outside is
>> >turning sort of goldish color. *The inside is a brushed stainless,
>> >but the outside is polished stainless steel. *Obviously the gold
>> >color is a buildup of tiny grease splashes that apparently didn't
>> >come off during regular cleaning. *Is there a good way to remove
>> >this? *I've heard applying ammonia and putting the pot in a tight
>> >plastic bag overnight. *Will this really work? * Thanks.
>> I keep a container of Dawn Power Dissolver. It's great for that sort
>> of thing.
>> http://www.janitors-world.com/dapodi32.html
>Are they still making that? I can't seem to find it anymore...
I could not find it locally when I ran out about a year or so ago, so
I got a 6-pack from an industrial supply site. Bigger bottle, too.
I have a microwave-convection oven and he stainless steel walls can
got really coated when things got zapped after something greasy was
baked. Nothing showed up until it was baked on but good. .The Dawn
stuff was a life-saver, although it was tricky to rinse off inside the
oven. I had to keep rinsing out a sponge.