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Michael Plant
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Default visit to Big Apple (was: A Great Visit: In Pursuit of Tea)


> Sounds awesome.
> Where is it?
>> Subject: A Great Visit: In Pursuit of Tea
>> From: Lewis Perin

>> Date: 1/6/2004 11:05 AM Eastern Standard Time
>> Message-id: >
>> Michael Plant > writes:
>>> [...visiting IPOT...]
>>> I'm almost completely out of Oolong. That is *not* a good thing. BTW, and
>>> on
>>> the subject of Oolong, have you tried Big Apple down on Howard Street,
>>> Manhattan? They're pretty cool, they have good stuff, serve formal gungfu

>> --
>>> beware the killer strength though -- and they'll talk with you too, not
>>> unlike the IPOT guys.

>> Let me add that what Michael undoubtedly means by "formal" is that you
>> get gongfu tea service with all the tools and accessories. The
>> atmosphere is far from formal, though: it's loose and relaxed.
>> They'll let you do the brewing yourself if you prefer.
>> /Lew


First, Lew is of course quite right about formality at Big Apple. I was
referring to the fact that they use gungfu set ups and run the entire
routine of heat-ups, rinses, washes, and steeps. The atmosphere is indeed
informal, though.

Big Apple is on Howard Street on the North side between Broadway and
Lafayette, closer to the latter. You walk up some steps, if I recall. Their
sign features "internet," I think. They have a couple computers, and it
costs something like six dollars an hour to connect. Not so bad. Lew will
have to chime in with a more specific address.
