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I_am_Tosk I_am_Tosk is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 125
Default Speaking of canned meats

In article >, says...
> ImStillMags > wrote:
> > Sqwetrz got me curious and I started googling around for canned
> > meats. I found this website that looks very interesting. They say
> > their meats are not the jellied pressed bits, but the whole real
> > meats. Lots of interesting stuff in there...and if you are
> > interested in having some
> > emergency rations stored there are a lot of things in there that would
> > be quite suitable. The shelf life on these is quite long.
> >
> >

> Passing through customs in Sydney, Australia, they x-rayed my canvas
> duffle bag. The agent saw nothing wrong with my 20 or so tins of Crown
> Prince kipper snacks. He instead pointed to my rain boots. I said they
> were brand new, never been worn. The concern, naturally was agricultural
> contamination. I was waved on without any fuss. He didn't even open it
> up to inspect them. I instantly felt almost more at home than at home in
> America.
> At the supermarkets there, they had a shelf full of tins of kipper
> snacks. DOH!!! How was I supposed to know? I was expecting the plane to
> land on dirt.
> Andy

I had a friend who wanted a little vacation too, and he went to an
island. After a little while at Paris Island he went off to another
little vacation in a place called Lebanon. Bit of bad luck and someone
blew him out of his bed while he slept.. BTW, he took his "vacation" so
you could take yours and feel "at home" where ever your little heard
decides it wants' to... RIP Marine Sgt Steve... you played hard, and I
know you never wavered!

Nothing personal Andy, just sometimes snarks like that in a non-
political group, bring me nostalgic...