Speaking of canned meats
On Feb 28, 6:36*am, Andy > wrote:
> Passing through customs in Sydney, Australia, they x-rayed my canvas
> duffle bag. The agent saw nothing wrong with my 20 or so tins of Crown
> Prince kipper snacks. He instead pointed to my rain boots. I said they
> were brand new, never been worn. The concern, naturally was agricultural
> contamination. I was waved on without any fuss. He didn't even open it
> up to inspect them. I instantly felt almost more at home than at home in
> America.
> At the supermarkets there, they had a shelf full of tins of kipper
> snacks. DOH!!! How was I supposed to know? I was expecting the plane to
> land on dirt.
Ah, kipper snacks. I've just been stocking up on canned earthquake
supplies (after the 'quake!) and there's a little stack of kippered
herrings (Canadian I think), along with the asparagus and smoked
oysters. The house might fall down, but I'm going to eat well.