Tea and Dining out
In article >, Tee King > wrote:
[snip] I carry in my bag a couple of different
>types of tea in small tins with tightly-fitting lids. I also put
>paper filter bags, like T-Sacs or Minit Filters (both available at
>many online purveyors of tea) in the tins. In my experience, most
>restaurants don't mind at all bringing me a cup of hot water [snip]
i find that the tea quality in a restaurant or eatery has nothing to with the
food quality. it amazes me that a lot of fine resturants serve mediocre tea. &
sometimes a not so good restaurant actually has decent tea.
i sometimes do the same, _if_ i remember to make my own tea bags. i sometimes
do the same when visiting friends. some people don't have tea at home & i
don't normally drink coffee nor other icy cold liquid.
green tea works better than black tea these situation since most places do not
have hot enough water.
pam @ home ¤p¬}
Pam's Ode to Spammers & Telemarketers
May all spammers & telemarketers die an agonizing death; have no
burial places; their souls be chased by demons in Gehenna from one
room to another for 1000 years.