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Default Pu Erh, the Quest... Intro

I've been starting at 2 minutes with your measurements (I usually use more tea
for gung-fu) so I haven't been getting as many good steeps.

Thanks for the tip and the site.

>Subject: Pu Erh, the Quest... Intro
>From: Mike Petro
>Date: 1/18/2004 7:55 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: >
>On 19 Jan 2004 00:20:26 GMT,
rown (Tom) wrote:
>>Hey Mike:
>>Loving the site but the specific "desired time" for the tea measurements you
>>listed would be helpful on the "How to Brew" page.

>Hey Tom,
>Good point, I will add something to cover that. It is somewhat
>difficult to convey the concept though as a lot of judgement is
>required based on several variables. This is by no means traditional
>chinese methods, there several good links on my site to traditional
>The variables affecting the appropriate brew time a
>1) Desired strength
>2) Strength of particular tea you are using, they differ widely
>3) Amount of tea used
>4) Brewing method
>For example, I would use less time on a young green puerh than I would
>on an older one. I also use progressively longer times for each
>successive steeping of the same leaves, starting with a few seconds on
>the first up to several minutes on the last one.
>Specifically when I use the Aria pot mentioned on the site I always
>rinse the puerh first, then depending on the strength of the tea I
>start with 15 - 30 seconds for the first and second steeps and
>generally double the previous time for each successive steep. For
>example 15-15-30-60-120 etc until the tea is depleted. I seldom get
>more than 5 or 6 steeps, but then again it is a 16oz pot.
>Mike Petro
>remove the "filter" in my email address to reply

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