On 3/3/2011 12:42 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "George Shirley" > wrote in message
> om...
>> We're taking off for Livingston, TX Friday afternoon. Will be staying
>> at the Best Western Suites on Hwy 59 S for a few days while we look at
>> houses in the area. My two favorites are backed up on lakes and you
>> can fish practically out the backdoor without a boat.
>> Taking a big box of jams, jellies, and multiple pickles over to the
>> son's family. His wife is a realtor and is helping us in the house
>> hunt so we will gift them with a bunch of good stuff. We have eight
>> houses lined up with a local realtor and we will look at most of them
>> on Saturday but will also have the following Monday and half a day
>> Tuesday to look at others.
>> Hired a new painter yesterday to finish the inside of the house, the
>> first one was just to messy and missed a lot of wall that didn't get
>> painted so I cut him loose on Monday past. New one has good reviews so
>> we're hoping to get the inside done in the next two weeks and then we
>> will put this old house up for sale. Sort of sad in a way, we've lived
>> here for 23 years, the longest we've lived anywhere in fifty years of
>> marriage. Have gardens we developed ourselves, the house is finally in
>> good shape and the way we want it. Our reason for moving is to be at
>> least two hours driving time closer to the descendants but not so
>> close the grands can leave their kids with us. <G>
>> Miz Anne is retiring from teaching art in the local system on May 31st
>> and is looking forward to it. I effectively retired in 2007 but still
>> do a lot of technical writing for local contractors, a job I can do
>> anywhere there is internet service. Miz Anne is seriously thinking of
>> visiting the daycare centers in the area we move to with an eye to
>> doing one hour a week art lessons for the kiddies. If she can live up
>> five or six of those we can supplement our retirement income enough to
>> afford more canning supplies.
>> The first iris bloomed this morning, a white one, I'm taking that as a
>> sign that spring has sprung, even if the furnace did run a couple of
>> times last night and we had to sleep under a blanket. The peach tree
>> is blooming and the plum trees are budding out as is the huge oak tree
>> in the backyard. We hope everyone in the northern and eastern tier
>> states are staying warm and dry as we head into what looks to be a
>> lovely spring.
> Good luck, George. I hope all goes to plan and you find a place where
> you will be very happy
Looks like we will be delayed for a few months O, hopefully that will be
long enough for house prices to go up in our town and further down where
we're looking. Not that I would wish bad luck on anyone of course. I'm
off for a nuclear stress test this morning and then back to the hospital
for a bit. Our daughter is on her way over here from Houston to help out
around the house for a few days.