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Michael Plant
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Default Tea and Dining out

Joseph 1/21/04

> Hello, and welcome to the group, Dave. Your views from across the pond will
> be appreciated.
>> I am horrified to
>> hear of the practice of using "Hot Water" to make tea.

> But I wish to point out that "hot water" is usually better for green tea, if
> that's what you're making, than boiling water, especially if a good whole-leaf
> green. Much of the teabagged green we get over here is awful with hot water
> and awful & bitter with boiling water.
> Joe

Hi Joe and Dave,

Not to introduce a layer of topic that has hitherto caused so much grief and
suffering, but alas I must ask you to provide us your definition of "hot,"
and could we (please) descend into the world of precision using themometric

BTW, welcome aboard, Dave.
