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Dog Ma 1
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Default Hah! I just figured it out

"Michael Plant" > wrote in message
> Not to introduce a layer of topic that has hitherto caused so much grief

> suffering, but alas I must ask you to provide us your definition of "hot,"
> and could we (please) descend into the world of precision using

> instruments?

The anthrompomorphic principle says, in one version, that the perfect fit of
all physical constants to permit life in the universe (which would be
impossible were any of them much different) proves that the universe exists
just for us. Similar onto-logic may be used to establsih the geographic
origins of things. Caucasians, for example, evolved in sun-starved
latitudes; people who are lactose-tolerant as adults evolved in cool places
where milk doesn't spoil rapidly. Etc.

I've often found it interesting that coffee and green tea are much better
when prepared with water at ca. 80~85 C. Perhaps the beverage gods intended
them to be drunk in alpine zones where water boils at lower temperatures?
Since black tea is barely OK with boiling water, and better with superheated
steam (as in an espresso machine), I conclude that "English" style tea must
have been divinely intended for consumption at sub-zero elevations. That
pretty much narrows it down to the Dead Sea or Atlantis.

Other highly rational scientific theories?