Tea and Dining out
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Hah! I just figured it out
Thank you so much for that post!
I had thought thatI had read all of Adams's work.
To find out that I hadn't was wonderful.
To find out that he had something I hadn't read ON THE SUBJECT OF TEA was pure
Thanks again.
>Subject: Hah! I just figured it out
>From: "Dave Croft"
>Date: 1/22/2004 10:53 AM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: >
>"Rick Chappell" > wrote in message
>> Dog Ma 1 (reply w/o spam)> wrote:
>> > I conclude that "English" style tea must
>> > have been divinely intended for consumption at sub-zero elevations. That
>> > pretty much narrows it down to the Dead Sea or Atlantis.
>> Mr. Ma, you are one of this forum's most brilliant theatheologists.
>> I was once interested in high-pressure tea (but more secularly
>> motivated) and tried to get an Israeli rfdt reader to go to a spa on
>> the Dead Sea, make tea, and report. He never did, as far as I know.
>> But even the Dead Sea would give us only a single data point. Does
>> anyone have access to a hyperbaric chamber? Although I work at a
>> hospital, we don't treat many bends cases in Wisconsin.
>> Rick.
>Hi Rick. Have a read of Douglas Adams page.
>(He wrote The Hitch hikers Guide to the Galaxy)
>He not only covers our attitude to the temperature of water needed
>to make the correct English Tea but also covers the problems of doing
>the same at different heights.
>He can probably advise you of how to do it in another Galaxy. 8^)
>Dave Croft
"Homo sum, humani nil a me alienum puto."
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