Tiny potatoes.
On Mar 3, 9:59*pm, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> I wanted some small red potatoes, but the ones at the store didn't look
> good. *Neither did the regular Yukon Golds. *But they had a prepackaged bag
> of these tiny Yukon Golds. *Each potato is about the size of a pearl onion.
> So I bought them.
> I used them last night to make sort of Chicken Vesuvio. *I use sweet rice
> flour to coat the chicken. *I did not add the white wine because daughter
> won't eat it if I do. *So I used all chicken broth. *I did not have any
> lemons so used some Real Lemon juice. *It came out a bit more lemony than
> usual but I think that's a good thing because there was no wine in it.
> Everything else was the same. *I used Nucoa instead of butter. *And no peas.
> The end result is very good! *I had to make it last night so it I could
> package up a dinner for daughter to take to dance tonight.
> These little potatoes are such fun to eat! *And it's nice that they have all
> the peel on them. *I didn't have to chop them either. *I will for sure be
> buying these again!
How much a pound were they?