On the road again
On 3/4/2011 10:54 PM, Mimi wrote:
> Oh George, I am so sorry. God bless Miz Anne. I would have *loved* to
> meet you two!!!
> Know that Miz Anne& you in my thoughts& prayers.
We haven't given up yet Mimi, things are just delayed until she heals
enough to go look at houses. We've got eight on our immediate list and
another six or seven or our "maybe" list. Looking for places with enough
sunshine on the ground to have a garden and fruit trees. I've probably
looked at 500 houses in that area so far. Not the million dollar ones,
the ones regular folks live in. <G>
I'm waiting on our daughter to bring Miz Anne home from the hospital,
should be another thirty minutes or so before they get here.