On Sat, 5 Mar 2011 22:30:44 -0800, "Kent" >
> SF, make sure the peel is dry, and then apply quite of lot of flour*. Put
> your dough round over the flour and make your pizza on the peel. While
> you're doing this, shake back and forth now and then to make sure the pizza
> round doesn't stick anywhere on the peel.
I did that on day one of pizza baking and I've decided I prefer flour
to cornmeal.
> Slide the pizza onto the hot stone. I always use the peel to take the pizza
> out. When it's done the peel slides right under the pizza and it comes off
> the stone almost like it wants to.
So far no sticking unless I get distracted and let it sit on the peel
too long. Like I said, running something under it loosens it right
> When you slide your pizza onto the stone initially, spray fine water mist
> into the oven, and repeat in 30 seconds. This makes for a crisp crust.
> You're trying to mimic a commercial bread oven, which mists automatically.
*That's* what I forgot to do and I had the water sprayer right next to
the oven too. Well, the crust came out really crispy anyway, so that
was fine.
> What kind of a stone did you get?
No stone. I use unglazed quarry tiles.
If I ever got a stone, I'd get the rectangular one from Williams
Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.