Fat Tuesday
zxcvbob wrote:
> Ranée at Arabian Knits wrote:
> > Anyone making anything interesting?
LOL no. Just leftovers from the weekend.
> >
> > We are preparing for the Lenten fast by feasting tonight on homemade
> > corn dogs (uncured, organic, blah, blah hot dogs), potato wedges,
> > roasted corn with lots of butter, two kinds of potato doughnut and pear
> > fritters. How about you?
> I'm giving up alcohol for Lent. It's not part of my religious
> tradition cuz I'm not Catholic or Lutheran, etc, it's just something
> I've recently started doing. So I'll probably have a nice glass of
> barley wine or an American double pale ale tonight after supper.
> The interesting thing is, after abstaining for a month-and-a-half how
> unpleasantly strong and heavy a drink like that is.
The vicar of the Anglican church I used to attend once gave up alcohol
for Lent, with that money going to charity. We were all a bit surprised
at how bad he looked for a week or so of going without.