There are plenty of Brown Betty knockoffs. I'm in a store the other
day and see a tea cozy wrapped around what I presumed was a Brown
Betty. Curious I had the clerk take off the cozy and on the bottom
was a Made in Japan sticker. An authentic Brown Betty comes from
Stoke-on-Trent and is made from the distinctive red terra cotta clay
with the Rockingham glaze. If you can get one stamped by Arthur Woods
because the 250 year old business closed it doors a couple of months
ago. You'll find websites if you plug in the keywords I just
mentioned. Another trademark is Pristine which you can find in
CostPlus stores in the US.
Tee King > wrote in message >. ..
> On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 21:24:10 -0500, "Henry"
> > tripped the light fantastic, then
> quipped:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I'm a little bit confused selecting a brown betty teapot. First off, I can't
> >figure out which one is the "authentic" one as various retailers have
> >various prices. Also the size is what I don't get. I figure 2 cups would be
> >enough for me, thinking that would be 16oz., I see 2 cup Brown Bettys are
> >12oz. So I guess I'll go to the 4 cup Brown Betty which say 24 oz.. But then
> >I see another store selling "2-3 cups" with or without a claimed 18oz. So
> >which one is correct? And is the 4 cup brown betty the standard size to go
> >by? Thanks!
> >
> >HK
> A "cup" of tea is usually 6 ounces, not 8 ounces. "Standard" is a
> subjective term, many people will you be serving tea? A
> standard pot for home use by one person will, most likely, be
> different than the standard pot used in a tea room. As for being
> authentic, a "Brown Betty" is more of a generic name for the
> particular shaped earthenware teapot made of reddish clay. As long as
> you keep those things in mind, you shouldn't have any trouble picking
> out a nice teapot. Welcome to the wonderful world of proper tea. 
> Tee
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