Tea in Myanmar(Burma)
Dean /2/04
>> Another reaosn I went
>> their to see "Loris". They are very shy small rare kind of monkey. My
>> Guide took me this Burmese guy who had one of this. I was very happy
>> to see and touch a "Loris".
>> Ripon
>> (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
> Ripon, thanks. I've never had the opportunity to travel to your part of the
> world, so I'm pretty ignorant about how life is lived there. I appreciate
> your taking the time to explain.
> I do enjoy your tea and food, though!
> Regards,
> Dean
Sorry, forgot to mention that the Loris is actually in the order Primate,
but alas, prosimian rather than anthropoid, hence decidedly *not* monkey. I
know how *important* this is to a tea group, but I am really quite fond of
lorises and want to see them well represented, so to speak. (Those famous
guys from Madagascar are also prosimians FTOYWNTK. A couple of them have
been posting to rfdt.)