"Vole \"I got your nose!\" Jackson" wrote:
> That's pretty much the problem. I'm two hours outside of a major city and
> right now I'm sitting on a ice-slicked hilltop. I can get to my mailbox but
> not much further. I thought it might be nice to order my tea brought to me
> until spring. 
> Giselle (now does anyone know where I can order a nice British butler by
> mail?)
I can serve tea but do not know the postage cost to your location :-)
BTW, no one has mentioned Betty's by Post selling the Taylor's online. I
buy their Mountains of the Moon by the kilo, and with shipping to the
USA it is still cheaper than some of the other online stores. They also
do some fine Estate ceylon, Kwazulu and a great Lion Mountain Keemun.
One of the little touches is to have them make up a caddy with your
blend, labeled as your tea, a neat gift.