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Default I find that the best (Tea)

"Mindy" > wrote in message
> I have only had the Stash vanilla nut creme & I really did like it alot.
> If you don't mind me asking..."what did you not like about it??? I have
> not asked this question before- since I recently tried Stash. I would be
> curious to know what others think about it- which is why I posted about
> it. Was it that bad??? But that is true - to each their own taste.
> Mindy

It's not a matter of bad or good. I don't like flavored teas, for the most
part. I avoid teas in bags because the tea quality tends not to be as good.
Stash and Bigelow's are two big flavored tea brands- I don't care for either
of them, including the one 'everyone loves'- Constant Comment. I also don't
like Tazo. I am one of those rare people who cannot stand Earl Grey by any
company. Give me a nice sencha, and I'm happy, or a good Chinese jasmine,
or a rose pouchong. I'm also partial to Lapsang Souchong, pu-erh, and
Prince of Wales. If I'm in a restaurant that only serves Stash, though, I'll
drink coffee- and I don't like coffee much.