Omelet wrote:
> In article >, Arri London >
> wrote:
> > > > The vicar of the Anglican church I used to attend once gave up alcohol
> > > > for Lent, with that money going to charity. We were all a bit surprised
> > > > at how bad he looked for a week or so of going without.
> > >
> > > When you quit cold turkey sometimes you get withdrawls and that can be
> > > unpleasant and even dangerous. Depends on how much you've been drinking
> > > and for how long...
> >
> > Precisely. Thinking he was hitting the bottle more often than was good
> > for him.
> I hope it made him realize it...
> --
Not certain. The next year, he gave up something else I think

He then
became vicar of a wealthier church; perhaps less stressful.