Doug Freyburger wrote:
> M. JL Esq. wrote:
>>Doug Freyburger wrote:
>>>What I don't get is calling a meat-free diet a fast. It triggers a
>>>language barrier inside my head like calling flesh cut from the bones of
>>>an animal that happens to be a fish not meat.
>>The English word "meat" originally meant any food one ate, not just
>>animal flesh.
>>See Genesis 1:29
> Thanks! That puts the modern meat-free interpretation based on a
> mistranslation. Interesting.
Jesus was a Jew, his understanding of "fasting" was informed by that
fact. Unless you think he spent some time in Tibet or on a UFO
Hebrews fast & repent. Both literally and symbolically, giving over a
whole lunar month to it iirc. Analogous to and some claim as the
inspiration for the Islamic Ramadan.
The Christian interpretation is ....more attenuated. Refined to
sophistry allowing some to eat but not others. Dispensations & etc.
What is "food"?
And that from a mediaeval or worse perspective on nutrition.
"In so far as meat and drink are transmuted in us daily into Spiritual
substance, I believe in the Miracle of the Mass."