Brown Betty
In my quest to find a brown betty, this is what I gathered. The only company
making somewhat genuine brown betty's is Caledonia Pottery. The Arthur Wood
ones, which were made under the name Pristine or vice versa......are made
with porcelain and not the red clay traditional brown betty's are.
Unfortunately, the name brown betty only goes as far as describing the
shape, and color of the teapot and not the true material.
I say somewhat genuine for the Caledonia Pottery Brown Betty because they
use terracotta red clay from Stoke on Trent, and was told the true true ones
weren't terra cota clay but a different red clay.....also the new ones are
slip casted and not jolleyed like the originals. However, I think this will
be the closest you'll get to an authentic Brown Betty, short of finding one
in an antique store, flea market etc.....
Hope this helps.
"Dog Ma 1" (reply w/o spam)> wrote in message
> "Space Cowboy" > wrote in message
> m...
> > Is Arthur Wood impressed on the bottom? Porcelain 'chips' or 'flakes'
> > and clay 'fractures' or 'radiates' horizontally. You'll have to
> > damage it to be sure. My AW is completely sealed with glaze so it
> > could be stainless steel for all I know.
> Interestingly, there's no AW marking. The Blue Moon web site says that
> they're porcelain, and the cardboard box has AW promo writing on it. But
> I'm wondering...