It's the water, right?
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Lewis Perin
external usenet poster
Posts: 997
It's the water, right?
(Scott Dorsey) writes:
>Lewis Perin > wrote:
>>Hmm. It's actually pretty hard to get the numbers on Burton.
>That's because everyone has their own particular ratio of the three
>ingredients. But it's basically adding calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
>> But for
>>New York City vs. Volvic, if all 5 of your ions are really important, it
>>looks kind of bleak. Note the iron surplus NYC has:
>> NYC Volvic
>>sodium 9 9.4
>>potassium 0.5 5.7
>>iron 40 <0.01
>>magnesium 1.2 6.1
>>calcium 5.5 9.9
>And my guess is that 90% of what you don't like about the NYC water is the
>excess of iron. If it weren't for that, Burton's actually would fit the
>bill for you.
>>No supplementation - Burton or whatever - will affect that, and it€„¢s
>>such a high ratio that dilution with distilled water would have to be,
>>well, homeopathic.
>However, I bet distilled water and a little salts would be cheaper than
>Volvic by a long shot.
Indeed. On the other hand...I need to apologize. Ive done a bit more
web searching on the topic of iron in water, and the more I looked the
more it seemed 40mg/liter was an outlier. So I checked back at that NYC
water quality report, and irons denominated in *micro*grams. So NYC
taps iron level, while still higher than Volvics, might not be an
obstacle. I really need to try this.
Lew Perin /
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Lewis Perin
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