Unmitigated food disaster
On Mar 14, 9:14*am, "john south" > wrote:
> After preparing and partially boiling vegetables and meat, they were then
> put in a large glass bowl and it was placed on top of a gas hob to bring
> them to
> the boil. That was prior to placing it in the oven to make an oven
> casserole.
> This practice has been done by me quite a few times before. *I've always
> assumed that a Pyrex bowl can be placed on a gas ring and the contents
> boiled, because someone I know has Pyrex glass saucepans, that they use to
> boil things in.
> However the wife doesn't think that these glass bowls should undergo this
> kind of treatment on top of the gas rings.
> Today using a smoky dark coloured glass bowl which I don't think I've used
> before,
> but I really thought it was an oven proofed bowl. It suddenly completely
> collapsed into pieces as I placed it in the oven. What a mess.........
> My question is not whether this was really an oven proofed glass dish, since
> i guess we will never know for sure.
> But is the wife right in saying this is a very *risky* procedure, putting a
> pyrex glass bowl over a gas ring to boil things? *Even though i always start
> on
> the minimum heat so as to minimize any strains on the glass. * * So would
> you think that this is safe to do, or not? * *Thanks.
Sorry to go off topic, and not wanting to hijack the thread, but why
did you do it? Was it to try to cut down on the time it would be in
the oven?