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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Need wedding gift idea - may be kitchen related.

Kalmia wrote:
> This is a toughie tho. Couple is combining households. I'm not sure
> how much cooking they are likely to do. They are 'older'.
> I thought about a gift card to a fancy schmancy resto, but darn - the
> amount you give is rather obvious.
> Any other foodie ideas?
> Not sure if either imbibes, so top of the line booze could be a
> waste.
> Penzey's Bride Set? Do you know of anything similar?
> A pan anyone would love?
> Thanks.

What amount of $$ did you have in mind? I don't like the Penzey's wedding
gift crate selection. It has too many things that are too common and things
that I don't think most good cooks would use. In fact, I don't like most of
their crate combos for that reason.

The things Penzey's sells that I love are some of their unique spice mixes.
The virtue of them is that they are good for those who don't cook much as
well as those who do. Even if one is a dedicated cook, there are times when
it is nice to be able to just quickly throw together an interesting-tasting
meal without an hour of prep. If I were doing a wedding gift for someone I'd
get Sunny Paris, Mural of Flavor, Balti, Southwest Seasoning, Tsardust
Memories, Singapore Seasoning, Bangkok Blend, Northwoods, Barbecue of the
Americas, Rogan Josh, and maybe a chili powder and another curry powder (I
haven't tried those because I make my own chili powder and curry powder).

Have you checked out the gift boxes from American Spoon Foods? They have
great stuff, especially things with cherries. Another good place to get a
gift certificate is Amazon. They could get virtually anything there.