Thread: Pu-erh steeping
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Default Pu-erh steeping

What kinds of steeping times do you use with those temps.?


>Subject: Pu-erh steeping
>From: (Cameron Lewis)
>Date: 2/14/2004 12:07 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: >
>Lewis Perin > wrote in message
>> Michael Plant > writes:
>> > [...]
>> > Puerh is essentially a high temperature tea. "Green Puerh can -- perhaps
>> > should -- be brewed lower. Lew? Help us out here?

>> Yes, I brew green Puerh around 175F. Mike Petro, though, seemed to
>> imply recently that he brews it even lower: 160F.
>> /Lew
>> ---
>> Lew Perin /


>I find that different green puers like different temperature water. A
>XiaGuan tuocha that I have releases a pleasant floral/herbal sweetness
>at around 160 but gets a bit edgy and loses sweetness at 170 and
>above. By contrast, two different Meng Hai beencha that I have brew
>much better in the 170-185 range. My working theory right now is that
>puer with bigger leaves and a smoky aroma takes higher temps than more
>mild smelling types.

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