Usenet vs. Google Groups
Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> Here's my reason for using GG: I can click on stuff and read
> newsgroups.
> I don't have to set up anything, download anything, install anything.
> It's just there. If I had to do all that other stuff, I wouldn't be
> here. It just wouldn't be worth the effort.
I posted to UseNet 1983 until about 2000 with a newsreader.
For a long time I used google because I travelled for work and I never
knew what ports were blocked on the network of the week. Then I stopped
travelling and eventually the noise level drove me to install a
newsreader and switch to an NSP with better spam filtering. I'm back to
having a large kill file.
If I were to find an NSP with good spam filtering and a web interface to
it's groups that supported filtering I'd use it.